Wednesday, 31 December 2008

First Paragraph

How has the stereotypical view of women been reinforced throughout the film "Material Girls"?

Throughout this, essay I will be dicussing the ways in which the film, "Material Girls" is able to conform to the main sterotypes which are given towards young blonde females in society, therefore emphasising the fact that women are being "underrepresented" and shown to conform to the "male gaze" showing to the audience what there main roles are in the film and what is expected from the stereotypical blonde female characters to do throughout the film. The media tend to exploit the faults in which blondes make highlighting them to be degrading to all blondes. Having blonde women constantly in the media like paris hilton can only justify the label in which blonde women are given which makes it evident that they would be the perfect roles to have in comedy films such as material girls.

Films like mean girls and legally blonde are able to show the audience the familiar roles in which blondes girl have within films of this genre. There roles are often comical and heavily sterotypical. Compared to the 1940s film "Double Indemnity" the female role differs to the one in which is shown in material girls. Even though the chracter is blonde she is very powerful in terms of the way in which she is able to manipulate the male charcter with her good looks.

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