Monday, 20 October 2008

Action Plan

Make a bibliography and post all information on to it throughout independent study

Complete all work which is set on blog

Watch material girls again

Start and go through my independent study and highlight all the important information. When i go back and refer to my work it would be easier to find the most important information.

Find more relevant links that would help me throughout my independent study and post it on my blog

Gain a better understanding of SHEP and start to include it more throughout my independent study.

Use more books to research my topic. I will start using the school library more and find books to read relevant to my topic.

Do more analysis on the films that I am going to make references to throughout my independent study.

Research richard dyer

To all be completed hopefully by November 4th =D

I thought that it would be better for me to set a more realistic date for when this would all be completed by as i would be able to ensure that it all gets completed in much detail.

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